Assembly Connect Transportation Management Association
Assist with the formation and ongoing operation of a Transportation Management Association (TMA) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs for the Assembly Square area of Somerville, MA.
A non-profit TMA, Assembly Connect that supports economic development and growth within the Assembly Square district in Somerville, MA. The TMA is operated by NorthEase Consulting Group. The firm designs creative, forward-looking, and technologically advanced strategies that reduce traffic congestion and single occupant vehicle (SOV) trips by maximizing the use of public transportation, private shuttles, active transportation, and carpools. NorthEase Consulting Group also provides ongoing fiscal management, policy development, and support to the Board of Directors by the principals as well as an onsite a full-time program manager to assist those who live, work or visit Assembly Square with sustainable transportation incentive and programming, including a retail space, open to the general public.
“NorthEase Consulting Group has been the perfect partner for Assembly Connect. Their experience managing, programming and setting policy priorities for both business-driven and government-initiated TMAs has allowed us to smoothly transition from a concept on paper, through formal incorporation to implementation of diverse TDM strategies for a growing membership.”
— David Webster, Director, Development, Federal Realty Investment Trust