What We Do

To us, each project is an opportunity to think creatively, increase mobility, and improve the quality of life for residents and employees.

NorthEase Consulting Group specializes in designing and implementing transportation demand management (TDM) programs. TDM strategies offer effective low-cost solutions to manage travel demand for cities, business districts, and employers. We have deep expertise in urban mobility, and use our over 20+ years of experience as transportation planners and marketers to design and support strategies that offer convenient alternatives to driving

We offer

• Site specific TDM plans

• Commuter benefits program design for employers

• Transportation management (TMA) feasibility studies & implementation plans

• TMA staffing and management

• TDM program evaluation and recommendations

NorthEase Consulting Group Transportation Demand Association Development & Management

TMA Development & Management

The team at NorthEase Consulting Group creates cutting edge individual partnerships to meet the needs of employees, residents, and visitors - of today and into the future. Unique geography, infrastructure, transportation resources, business and residential mixes demand a unique solution-driven approach to TMA development that maximizes the opportunity for access, while limiting congestion.

NorthEase Consulting Group Municipal Transportation Demand Management Planning

Municipal TDM Planning

A good municipal TDM plan is an investment in your community’s future. Our team works with communities to develop plans that support municipal goals to achieve the highest and best land use to maximize housing production and commercial development, while minimizing congestion and benefitting residents and business owners.

NorthEase Consulting Group Corporate Institutional Residential Transportation Demand Management Development and Support

Corporate / Institutional / Residential
TDM Program Development and Support

At NorthEase Consulting Group, we believe that our clients’ TDM programs and marketing need to be as advanced and creative as those they serve. Our team creates boutique, customized TDM services and related marketing resources that can fill the gap by connecting employees, students, and residents to opportunities that will enhance and support choices to reduce single-occupant vehicle travel.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and we would love to hear about your project. We specialize in designing customized solutions to address each of our client’s unique needs.